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i have been granted the opportunity to gain experience on how to use humility through failure. with the painful emotional, psychological, behavioral, and spiritual lessons gifted, i have learned how to use what the program teaches to live with peace of mind. life may not be the way i want it, it is the way...

it has taken me time to get where i am today and will take time to get where i would like to be. the journey has been 1 of many failures and rewards. im thankful fer His mercy and grace. people ask me all the time how i am always able to be in a...

this is true fer me. i have to freely give away what has been so freely given to me in order to keep what i have received. sounds crazy i know, but it works. any relationship i have ever had didnt work if it was all give and no get, or all get and no...

the strength i have today is a much different strength than i thought i had back in the day, it is a stronger strength. i can remember thinkin life wouldnt or couldnt get better, well, i have learned it is what i make it to be. it feels different than before, life, knowin things can...

it took me a while after bein in recovery to let God, or anybody, into my life. i reckon i had to let Him show me what He could do in other peoples lives before i could turn my unwarranted anger away from Him. after i had been here for a few months people started...

after bein shut down fer so long wallowin in my own self-loathin, misguided, leadership, it was nice to finally be out in the real world. it took me time to finally get back into the swing of normal life. i have a friend who refers to "them", people who have been in the program fer...

i remember mike smilin when i would mention how i was feelin about a certain situation or about how i was feelin about a way i may have managed somethin. he assured me it wasnt because he was makin fun of me or laughin at me. he told me it was because he remembered feelin...

i was amazed when i came into the rooms at how many people from different levels of society were affected by alcoholism. i, maybe, like many others, thought it was just derelicts and trench coats that were alcoholics. many may have ended up that way, like myself, but after a period of time in recovery,...

my sponsor told me, joel, its up to you. here are facts, here is what i did to stop the melee, its up to you to do it. i was broken down enough finally to accept the facts and do as my sponsor suggested. i wanted change and knew there was only one way to...

i have seen what i believe is the work God has done in the lives of others. as i watched people around me get this thing and gain the ability to live life without utter chaos in their lives, i had to face the fact that somethin in their life was workin. they had faith...


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