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it does me no good to practice these principles only when i am around the people in recovery. it was taught to me that ALL areas of my life were affected by my alcoholism so why not practice these vital life changin principles in ALL areas of my life as well. it doesnt matter where,...

before my recovery began i always placed a dependence to live life, on others. i always thought they should be the ones that were to live by my perfect expectations, always neglectin my responsibility to do the same, they were the ones who needed to please me. when they failed me, i got angry and...

Some may think it bold of me to offer training to sponsors when I have only, 4 years sober. I hope this post pisses those people off the most, because it is critically important information to anyone who is serious about being a sponsor. I, can be, a horrible person. I am in fact, dangerous...

i just totally love the gifts my recovery has given me. one of my favorites is the ability to give and share the grace God has awarded me fer doin, what i perceive is, His right action. i can remember, not so long ago, all the takin i did. i thought it was my right...

yes, it always seemed that others had caused my problems. gettin down ‘n dirty, lookin at what the exact root causes of the problems i have are, is an essential piece of fixin the relationships i hold with others! in the end i thought i drank because thats what i did, drink. i did coz...

As per the promises of AA, there comes a time in our recovery when "We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us." So, how do we know the difference between intuition and are trauma responses? It is a little complicated and I need to begin with this explanation. The subconscious...

there were many cases where i had been selfish, dishonest, and self-seekin. just what can i do about this? i can recall how these thoughts and feelins plagued me; they made me full of guilt and remorse. i wanted rid of these feelins! it was suggested that i continue forward and face these fears as...

I dedicate this post to my father and all the dry drunks in recovery. My name is Jeff and I an an alcoholic and dry drunk in recovery. What makes me a dry drunk? I am still holding on to anger and that means, I cannot see my part in the past completely yet. I...

at times, these deep, hidden morbid reflections appear in my mind. the more time i have in recovery, it seems, the more these things crop up. i truly need to use the faith i have in my HP to release these thoughts. sometimes i even need to inventory them and find out their root causes...

oh, how i remember the guilt, remorse, and self-loathin. to be quite honest, the fear of experiencin all of those feelins again helps ta keep me from usin and drinkin today. i didnt like feelin those feelins, though perfectly human, they sucked ass! i understand today if i continue to put what i perceive is...


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