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i still get struck at times with periods of procrastination today. often times i fool or lie to myself usin the excuse that if i wait and not rush into shit, relyin on self, the answers will come. prayer can be one of those occasions when my self-will steps in and i try to figure...

in my youth i had started to develop a loneliness that only grew as my life went forward. to say it never tortured me would straight up be story tellin ya. i reckon, it was somethin that i just tolerated or came to terms with as i used alcohol and drugs to sooth it. and...

saturday mornin i was sittin in my hg meetin and a friend of mine mentioned that while she was out doin her dirt, she was always searchin for a spiritual experience while gettin high or drunk that she could never capture. that was so profound to me. i was able to immediately identify it and...

"Our awareness of our patterns of relating with others and the risk we have just taken in admitting them to another bring about a momentous breakthrough in our relationships. Not only do we form a close bond with our sponsor, but the risk we take in trusting this person will help us develop close relationships...

havin been in the practice of daily mornin readin, prayer, and meditation, i dont think i could start a day today without doin it. i have tried and soon after leavin the house some bullshit happens and i feel the lack of guidance i need. callin the regular practice of prayer a vital sustenance isnt...

when i look back, takin an honest personal inventory of the days of doin my dirt and my recovery from alcoholism and addiction, i can see how my self-will can influence my decision makin, action, and behavior. today, it is my hope that i have grown and become better at makin decisions and doin actions...

its not so much all about me today. i aint sayin i aint gonna try to take care of myself, cause i understand that if i dont, i wont get to stay sober or recovered. i wont be able to live the gift of helpin another. recovery has taught me that if i am to...

i do daily readins and have a time of prayer and meditation afterward each mornin. within those prayers i ask my HP to help me be of service to any i can, then in quiet meditation i await, listenin for His answer through an intuitive conscious. without this time of reflection, prayer, and meditation, i...


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