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when i asked my sponsor how he was able to beat the drinkin thing he told me he had to have faith in somethin other than himself. when i asked others how they did it they told me they had to have faith in somethin other than themselves. it was then i understood the God...

fer me, as long as i continue to keep the simple principle of “the keystone” in mind, the easier my life seems to be. it requires surrender, acceptance, honesty, hope, and faith. these are feelins, or actions/solutions, i was not able to have while out doin my dirt unless brought by the oblivion alcohol provided....

i am grateful fer the world of the spirit. i get to feel it dwell within me each day. i am also grateful that it is not a 1-day thing. as i feel it in the moments of my day, i can look forward to it fer the rest of my life as long as...

this is somethin my sponsor taught me to do right away. he told me to start each day with prayer and meditation. after havin done this fer the past 17+ years, i can say, it works. i have to take me out of it and put Gods will in place. my sponsor impressed upon me...

it took me a few mins to see if this would work or not. throwin out lil chunks and waitin to see what the results would be. when the results came back as good, i started to use my HP more and more. today i cant see livin life without His guidance. i could not...

it was a hard fact to face, beginning to understand all my troubles were of my own makin. i knew deep inside they were, tryin to face em alone, as i had always done, was the hard part. today i dont have to face em alone, i can face em with my HP and the...

If you are struggling with an alcohol use disorder, you may question whether rehabilitation programs are effective for treating the disease of alcoholism. The great news is that, yes, rehab, when preceded by detox and followed by aftercare actions, is incredibly effective. The success an individual has, however, is predicated on their commitment to sobriety....

essential in my recovery, surrender. the God of my understandin does not need to be the God of anyone elses understandin. i am so grateful i was able to get through this strong barrier so i could begin my relationship with Him. i know today that without Him i am nothin. as long as i...

i can still have trouble doin this. it gets easier the longer i am in the program and realize that the more i do turn everythin over and take me out of it, the simpler things go. havin faith that God can and will take care of me, or the things goin on in my...


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