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my sponsor is very big on service work. his dedication to the program taught me to be the same way. early on, he told me that i had thought too much about myself, makin sure that i was taken care of. he told me it was time for me to stop bein so self-servin and...

there are several things about this program of recovery that have worked very well for my sobriety and recovery. usin the spiritual principles certainly is the one thing that has made the biggest difference in my life. they are the same for all who come into recovery, but each of us may use them in...

though my recovery was a gift to me, it is somethin i have had to work hard to keep. i had to take the lumps of the times before recovery as well as the lumps after comin into recovery. by lumps before recovery, i mean the alcoholic torture i put others and myself through. by...

i feel a personal responsibility to this program of recovery. this thing we do has afforded me the life i live today. i have opened my mind, became honest, and willin enough to live its spiritual principles, which in turn, has given me a relationship with a Higher Power and a host of friends within...

passin on a smile, a handshake, a hug, a kind word, or action, does not cost me a thing. even when i am feelin like hell inside, these simple outgoin behaviors help to change my emotion within. it is even sweeter when they are reciprocated. as i have gotten older in life and grown in...

what a glorious thing it has been to watch recovery work in the lives of others. it is one of the pleasures i have been blessed with witnessin as i have grown in my recovery. comin from some of the worst sorted places a person can come from physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally, people who...

the ambitions i have today are quite different from the ambitions i had before recovery. i really dont know if it is because of the paradigm shift in perception, growin older, or just because. i like to think that the life i live today is because i have made changes that brought about new circumstance....

lettin go of the shit that tends to cause me the most distress is an action that helps me to maintain my emotional balance. prayer and meditation allows for a lessenin of garbage i dont need to continuously mull over. givin it to my HP and humbly and patiently waitin for His answer through meditation...

as my recovery has progressed i have experienced a new way of thinkin. this new way of thinkin has only occurred after acceptance and behavior modification. i heard early in my recovery that i could NOT think my way into new behaviors, that i had to change my behavior to change my thinkin. after disciplined...


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